Water waves

Water waves have been the object of study of many different researchers along History. This is a familiar problem in the sense that everyone has seen water waves in a beach at some point.

However, this is also a very challenging problem. Actually, in the Feynmann Lecture on Physics there is already a warning about the difficulty of the motion of water waves:

«Now, the next waves of interest, that are easily seen by everyone and which are usually used as an example of waves in elementary courses, are water waves. As we shall soon see, they are the worst possible example, because they are in no respects like sound and light; they have all the complications that waves can have.»

(The Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol. I Ch. 51: Waves, Richard Feynmann)

Part of our research is then focused on the derivation and study of asymptotic models for water waves in different physical regimes.

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The Muskat Problem

Part of our research also focuses on the flow of two incompressible fluids in porous media. These fluids are assumed to be immiscible and, as such, they are separated by a sharp interface. This is known in the literature as the Muskat problem (named after M. Muskat in the 1930’s). Here, due to the effect of the solid matrix of the porous medium, the usual fluid equations for the conservation of momentum (Euler or Navier-Stokes equations) are replaced with the empirical Darcy’s Law.

Remarkably, the Muskat problem is mathematically analogous to the Hele-Shaw cell problem (named after H. Hele-Shaw’s classical 1898 paper) that studies the movement of a fluid trapped between two parallel vertical plates, which are separated by a very narrow distance. Besides its mathematical interest, the Muskat problem is also relevant in geosciences (aquifers, oil wells or geothermal reservoirs).

One of our results studies the effect of the porous medium’s floor in the breaking of the interface. In particular, we, using a computer assisted proof, we were able to prove that there exist initial interfaces such that if the depth is finite, they lead to solutions that turn, while if the depth is infinite, they lead to solutions that do not turn. Or, in other words, the finiteness of the depth enhances the turning behaviour of the system. This could be though as a mathematical proof of the fact that


«Smooth runs the water where the brook is deep»

(Shakespeare’s Henry VI. Part II, 1592.)

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Mathematical oncology

Free boundary problems for partial differential equations are one of the most arduous areas in Mathematical Analysis. These problems are mathematically challenging and physically interesting. Moreover, their applications are really spread, from geothermal reservoirs to tumour growth, passing through weather forecasting. Free boundary problems typically arise during the interaction between two fluids or between a fluid and an elastic solid, i.e. when the dynamics of both fluids or the fluid and the elastic solid are connected. The study of fluid – fluid and fluid – solid interactions are classical problems in Applied Sciences and Mathematics. In the last decade many different techniques to study free boundary problems arising in fluid dynamics have been developed. Part of our research focuses on such interactions in problems arising in Biology and in particular in tumour growth. Although cancer research has improved the available treatments and our understanding of this disease, there is still a lack of a good mathematical description. As pointed out in the literature, mathematical models could provide unexpected insight into the underlying mechanisms and generate novel hypotheses for experimentation.

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Stochastic PDEs in Fluid dynamics

The rigorous understanding of turbulence and related issues in hydrodynamics is considered one of the most important problems in mathematics of the last century. Due to its endless applications in diverse areas such as weather forecasting, climate science, mitigation of natural disasters or modeling of extreme weather events, hydrodynamic problems, hydrodynamics represents an object of desire of the mathematical scientific community. Over the last 50 years, a lot of deep mathematics was developed to tackle these problems. One of the strategies was to use stochastic analysis to model the behavior of a fluid by including a noise term into the governing equations.  In addition, this was also motivated by physical considerations, aiming at including perturbative effects, which cannot be modeled deterministically, due to too many degrees of freedom being involved. In particular, in weather forecasting, inclusion of stochastic noise can be a way of representing model uncertainty and turbulence.

These ideas motivate us to consider different relevant deterministic fluid PDEs and study how the behavior of their solutions changes once noise has been added to them, from a theoretical viewpoint. This is, we are interested, for instance, in the existence and uniqueness of solutions to these equations, or in whether noise can somehow regularize their solutions.

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Cell aggregation

Even if as of 2016 no «standard model» of the origin of life has yet emerged, most currently accepted models state that life arose on Earth between 3800 and 4100 million years ago. These first forms of live where single-celled organisms.

For most of the history of life on Earth there were only single-celled organisms. However, now there are many different fungi, algae, plants and animals that are multicellular organism (they are formed by aggregations of cells working together). Thus, even if we know that these single-celled organism eventually formed multicellular organisms (around 1500 millions of years ago), the origins of multicellarity are one of the most interesting topics in biology because we still do not know the way multicellarity arises.

A particular situation where cells form a cluster, in a process known as cell aggregation, arises when the motion of the cells is driven by a chemical gradient, i.e. the cells attempt to move towards higher (or lower) concentration of some chemical substance. This process is usually called chemotaxis. Then, multicellular aggregates and eventually tissue-like assemblies are formed when individual cells attach to each other as a consequence of the chemotactic movement and when this aggregation leads to subsequent cellular differentiation. That is, for instance, the case of the slime mold Dictyostelium Discoideum and bacterial populations, such as of Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium.

A preliminary step towards a better understanding of chemotaxis and cell aggregation, was given by Keller and Segel with their 1970’s classical papers (see also the prior work by Patlak in the 1950’s). In these papers, Keller and Segel proposed a PDE system as a model of cell aggregation as a consequence of chemotactic movement. Then, mathematically, the appearance of cell aggregation is translated to the formation of a finite time singularity.

Part of our research focuses on whether the solution exists globally in time (i.e. no aggregation occurs).

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Proceedings of the XXVI Congreso de Ecuaciones, 2021.

publications related to other topics

To appear in Indiana University Mathematics Journal (with F. Gancedo and S. Scrobogna)